Holistic Coaching

I am a Coach who focuses on your holistic development as a person, combining both LIFE & FITNESS Coaching so that

YOU can Expand as a person, lead a more effective, functional and fulfilling life, to experience greater joy, meaning and purpose!

Begin your journey of Confident Change

This is an Integrated approach to improve YOUR health. We will look at your challenges, performance, goals, nutrition patterns, relationships, physical fitness, mental and emotional wellbeing

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All these are set in place to help you attain your goals in life, career, fitness & health.

This is for you if you want to embark on a journey of Courageous Change!
I will be supporting you to the fullest extent that I can. 

Today, I’m proud to say that I have taken charge of all aspect of my life from fitness, to nutrition, to relationships, to career, to mindset and attitude.

The focused conversations are truly transformational for me because it opened my mind to different perspectives and to overcome my blind spots. It allowed me to see the possibilities in my situation by tapping on my inner wisdom.

For me to have a coach who truly understands me, who considers all areas of my life in building a bigger, better version of me; That I feel, is something very powerful and has tremendous impact on my growth as a person.

Nan Feng is indeed someone whom I could trust, caring yet unbiased, sincere in wanting to help and non-judgemental . She has heart, a big one. She is unconventional. Additionally, she has a great desire and passion to coach those around her, creating a life changing impact on them.
Danny Theseira
Senior Advisor (Telecoms Sector)
Through our sessions, I have made extremely important discoveries and changes about myself:

- I have grown to love and respect myself a lot more. I have a lot more confidence now once it was clear to myself what my strengths are
- I've learned how to set boundaries with people better, which has made me safer and kept me at peace. Knowing my limits and expressing them to people has always been difficult but after the sessions I am not scared to make these lines clear to protect myself.
- Learning of the negative and fearful voices in my head and how to control those thoughts has helped me to control my anxiety a lot better.
I struggle a lot with anxiety, fear and pessimism but I am now equipped with tools to bring myself back down to earth in crisis and solve the problems at hand. I now feel more carefree, and light.
These 3.5 months journey with Nan Feng has been a fulfilling one where change is constant.
1. I experienced a shift in my mindset through the insights I have gained from our sessions.
2. I have a higher level of self-awareness which helped me to be more proactive rather than reactive.
3. I have become more positive and made improvement in the way I carry out the task I have set out to do.

Now, I have better management of my life and more self-confidence. Our sessions taught me to be discipline, to believe in myself.
If you are thinking of going on this journey with Nan Feng, go in with an open heart and mind. Nan Feng will be able to create a safe space for you to share your struggles and problems.
Financial consultant
Working with Nan Feng has had huge positive impact on my life, both personally and professionally. Through our coaching sessions, I am able to relook at my approaches and attitudes because of her powerful listening, thought-provoking questioning and interpretation of what I said.

Our sessions kept me firmly focused. I am encouraged to reflect, explore reasons and possibilities, find solutions and set manageable goals which helped me to move forward.

Nan Feng is confident, clear, practical yet able to show empathy and understanding in a supportive and non-judgemental environment. I am confident of her professional abilities and trust her as she maintains confidentiality. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a life coach!

Life Coaching:

Life Coaching is about YOU and Your Life. As your Coach, I care about your growth and overall development as a person. 

What we will do is dive deep into your life to UNLEASH your full potential

Fitness Coaching:

Functional Fitness Coaching is all about Your Physical Wellbeing. As your Coach, I care about your health, progression, and goals.

We will be doing bodyweight exercises along with free weights to help you become fitter, stronger and faster so that you can do what you love with ease

Coach has been very patient with me. She has introduced and taught me many different exercises that I would have never thought of doing on my own. Now, I really enjoy Kettlebell!

When I met Coach, I was on the 3-digits weight range. Now, I'm in the double-digits! I've also learnt a lot more about food choices. I have learnt that everything that I do is about making that conscious choice. It really depends on one's grit and how much I really wanted this change. I learnt the importance of what I put inside my body.

If you are looking for someone to help you start your fitness journey, Coach Nanfeng does it best! I am forever grateful that our paths crossed. She has taught me many invaluable things and for this alone, I am so blessed to have had her start my journey with me!



3 months on, with the customised exercise and diet plan prescribed by Nan Feng, I feel better and more confident about myself.

I experienced a significant improvement in my digestion. I have lost 7kg, of which I never imagined I could. I felt lighter and more energetic than before.

What is more surprising for me is that I no longer crave for desserts which are extremely high in sugar, I am satisfied with those that taste half as sweet. Also, I learn to appreciate the food for it’s original taste.

This fitness journey with Nan Feng is definitely enlightening. I have learnt a lot from her in terms of exercise, nutrition and mindset. Though it was not easy, I am now more resilient and I want to say, I do enjoy my sessions with her.



As I look back on my fitness journey with Nan Feng, I have certainly overcame emotional eating and mindless snacking. Healthy eating as become part of my lifestyle. I’m now better at making wise food choices. I learnt to control my eating portion size and enjoy the greens.

Moreover, I look forward to my workouts everyday. They no longer feel like a burden and have become a part of my routine. I have been able to overcome my late night binge watching addiction. Now, I can maintain a balance healthy lifestyle.

Nan Feng takes her time to truly understand the needs of her students. Be open and honest with her, communicate clearly what is it that you are looking to achieve.

Also, know that she is going to push you hard but it will only make you better. Often, you would be surprised to see what happens when you get out of your comfort zone and achieve new targets.


Assistant Vice President of Goldman Sachs

Nan Feng customised my Personal Training sessions and revamped my daily diet. Through her program, my body first went through detoxification, became healthier.

After 3 months of religiously following her programme, I lost 15Kg (bringing my weight down to 58Kg) and am very much fitter and stronger.

I could play badminton, golf and sailing without feeling the aches. I could run without any pain in my heel and knees. Also, the ache in my back went away with the training.

Thereafter, I even lost weight at the right places too, reducing my clothes sizes from XXL to M/S! If you are someone who would like to get healthier, lose weight and improve your diet, I would recommend Personal Training sessions with Nan Feng!



When I saw my wife who had signed up for personal training with Nan Feng achieving amazing results, I proceeded to join her too.

In months that followed, through the well-structured exercise programme, dietary advice and constant monitoring and motivation from Nan Feng, I started to lose my flabs and notice my body becoming more toned and stronger. I was really pleased with the transformation and was particularly proud that I could now do many of the strength-based exercises such as pull-ups, etc. which I had struggled with in the past.

Apart from delivering on results, another aspect I like about training with Nan Feng is the way she ramped up the intensity and complexity of the exercises gradually over the course such that I did not feel over-strained unnecessarily. All in all, I have really enjoyed and benefited from my training with Nan Feng.

Eng Chun

Real estate investment professional

Through the last 6 months of training with Nan Feng, I saw tremendous improvements in my strength. I went from not being able to do a standard sit up to being able to do many exercises that were seemingly impossible to execute before I engage Nan Feng

Moreover, my flexibility also improved significantly. Prior to this, I did not know that flexibility is part of what contributes to my overall health and wellness.

Overall, I felt that my fitness has improved holistically since I have started working with Nan Feng and I am also making
wiser choices in terms of my diet

Additionally, Nan Feng’s positive outlook of life is influential to me. It is always a joy to speak to her, even though the workout sessions were tough. All in all, definitely a 5star review for her coaching!


Financial Consultant

Previously, I was struggling with weight loss and fitness level.  As a result, I lost focus of my goals in life, lost confident in myself, always felt sluggish and stressed. Initially I was very skeptical in engaging a personal trainer as I have previous unpleasant experience.

The initial stage with Nan Feng was not easy due to work, nutrition and the fitness homework. But Nan Feng has been very patient with me - coaching me and bringing me back on the track.

In the following months, I started to feel lighter and I am able to control my cravings, focus, have more energy and create a confident me. My friends also started to notice the change in me too.

Exercise and  healthy eating habits is a long journey but Nan Feng will be there with you. Additionally, I've got frozen shoulder and in our work together, I managed to recover in 4months and resume my workout regime.



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Mon-Sat from 8am to 7pm
+65 9023 7266


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